Probiotics for pets

Probiotics for pets

It’s safe to say probiotics are here to stay. Many people have made them part of their daily routines and experience the benefits of them on their health. So, it’ll probably not surprise you this has blown over to the world of pet’s well-being as well. More and more people are starting to give their pets probiotics. But are the health benefits for our pets similar as those for humans?

Probiotics for dogs

We’re only just starting to understand the benefits of probiotics on dogs. Veterinarians and researchers discovered that probiotics for dogs can have multiple positive effects on your dog’s health. That’s why probiotics for dogs are becoming more popular every day.

Like with humans your dog’s intestines contain billions of bacteria which we collectively call the microbiome. When there’s an imbalance in the microbiome there are several symptoms that can occur like excess gas or diarrhea. Using probiotics decrease the pH in the gut which helps the dog’s own good gut bacteria thrive.probiotic pets

There are several circumstances that can cause an imbalance in your dog’s intestinal health. The most common reasons are changes in environment and taking antibiotics.
What probiotics can do for your dog:

  • Modulate the immune system
  • Help digestion
  • Have intestinal benefits by producing short-chain fatty acids, which inhibit harmful bacteria
  • Prevention or alleviation of allergies and atopic diseases
  • Prevention from antibiotic-associated diarrhea

Probiotics for cats

Like dogs your cat benefits from a healthy and balanced microbiome. They do have very different digestive systems and that has led some researchers to believe that cats may benefit from probiotics even more than dogs. Probiotics help regulate your cat’s digestive and overall health. Sounds great but how do you know when and if you should give your feline probiotics?

What probiotics can do for your cat:

Immunity for cats is closely linked to the health of the digestive tract and when that tract is thrown off track, the cat’s immunity may suffer. Causes can be ailments like IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), infections or the cat simply ingesting something she shouldn’t. IBD is a common condition that many cats develop throughout their lifetime.

Probiotics for cats are also hypothesized to be able to help:

  • Prevent and / or reduce diarrhea
  • Reseed the gut with beneficial bacteria after your cat has been on a course of antibiotics
  • Improve digestions
  • Boost the overallimmune system.

You can give your feline probiotics for an existing issue, but some vets recommend to make probiotic supplements a part of the daily routine. Researchers say it’ll help deter the development of digestive problems.

When you start giving your cat probiotics make sure to opt for the one with the highest CFU (colony forming units) and not to go for just one type of bacteria. Diversity is important when it comes to choosing probiotica for your cat.

Equine probiotics

Research shows that the use of probiotics can also be beneficial for horses. When a horse is convalescing after illness, or his digestive system is being exposed to the stress of competition or changes to routine.
Probiotics can help improve your horse’s overall health and digestion. They help maintain proper pH levels, feed efficiency, absorption of nutrients and immune health.

What probiotics can do for your horse:

  • Boost the immune system
  • Protect against the effects of stress
  • Reduce side-effects of antibiotics
  • Promote efficient digestion
  • Protect against gastric problems

The research is not as far developed by horses as the studies showing the benefits for cats and dogs so it’s always wise to consult a vet and nutritionist when you’re thinking about adding probiotics to your horse’s feed.

Are the health benefits of pre- and probiotica the same for animals as they are for humans?

A healthy balance of bacteria is important for people and pets. We do however recommend to give your pets probiotics that are developed especially for your cat, dog or horse.

So, should you give your pet probiotics?

Giving your pets healthy bacteria may positively influence gastrointestinal complications, liver disease, mental attitude, dental disease and behavior disorders.

We do recommend having a chat with your vet first and include them in the process of giving your pet probiotics.

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